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Photo du rédacteurTarade Family

Start of season 2024

Hello everyone,

Alpes Aviation's team wishes you a happy New Year filled with happiness and extraordinary flights in the Alps! As we kick off the year, we look forward to reconnecting with you and sharing our love for aviation.

A quick update on our pilot team: We are happy to announce that the iconic pilots of Alpes Aviation, Vincent and Philippe, will once again be at the controls of our aircraft to provide you with unforgettable flight experiences. Furthermore, we are excited to welcome a new pilot to assist us during the peak season.

Exciting News: - The YJ is ready for the towing season, and we have a new addition this year that you will discover soon. - The second Pilatus, the CC, is ready to take off. - Beechcraft Renovation: Our Beechcraft is currently undergoing renovation and has received brand-new propellers as well as a French registration. We can't wait to see it in flight.

If you already know the dates when you plan to visit us and fly with us, could you please fill out this form? It will help us organize for the season 👍

We are waiting for you to start the barbecue night !

Looking forward to seeing you in the sky !

See you soon,

Tarade Family

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